About Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program
About the Program
The Digital Divide is the gap between those who benefit from the rapidly evolving technologies of the Digital Age and those who do not. This digital disparity has left some communities at an economic disadvantage where they are less able to or cannot obtain digital information to better their lives. The Sacramento Regional Consortium for Digital Equity & Sacramento State is taking a more collaborative approach. It is committed to narrowing the digital divide gap within the community of Lemon Hill.
Sacramento State and the Consortium plan and commit to bringing digitally challenged communities into the Digital Age by joining other like-missioned anchor institutions and community-based organizations to align and use their combined resources and human capital to even the digital playing field for the community of Lemon Hill.
Do you live in Lemon Hill and want to learn more about Digital Literacy?
Sacramento State has partnered with several community-based organizations to offer digital literacy training courses. These courses cover a range of topics, including resume building, cover letter writing, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Adobe software, telehealth search techniques, and conducting virtual meetings. For more information about these courses and their locations in Lemon Hill, please contact us.
Campus Services
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Find Us
Department of Connecting Communities CMCPP
Sequoia Hall,
Room 311
Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Contact Us
Phone: (916) 278-3645